Separation of Powers
University Center | Tuesday, March 25 • 10am
Instructor: Judge Carl Marlinga • Politics and Government
This class will explore the influence that 17th and 18th century philosophers had on our country’s founders regarding the need for checks and balances in government. It will also focus on the differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Lastly, the course will discuss the threat that ever-expanding presidential power poses to limited constitutional government. Judge Marlinga’s intellectual approach to teaching this complex topic has earned a “must attend” recommendation!
About the Presenter: The Honorable Carl Marlinga is a graduate of the University of Detroit with a major in history and a minor in political science. He subsequently graduated from the University of Michigan Law
School. In his legal career, Carl served as a prosecuting attorney, a probate court judge and at circuit court judge. He is a learned, astute and highly valued regular presenter for the MORE program.